A Head Shot of Me and Three Dogs in the Park. How Hard Could that Be?

It recently became apparent that I need a headshot of myself with the three dogs. I thought that I might be able to pull this off with a tripod and self timer - but then I realized that was insane. So I contacted the talented Emma Love and she met us in the park to do the photos.

Now just in case anyone thinks that my dogs are perfectly trained - they aren’t. Bruno has impulse control issues and Aggie doesn’t like other dogs on leads in the park. Eva is not bad, but there’s always the potential for a bird related incident.

Karen was working so the kids came to the park with me. I’m not sure if they were there as emotional support for me or as handlers for the dogs. Emma is talented with the camera, but her biggest skill at this shoot may have been her sense of humour and abundant patience.

I’m not as comfortable in front of the camera lens as behind it. Butt fortunately the dogs are more the starts of the photo than I am. And also fortunately they have been conditioned to pay attention to the sound of a camera shutter so they were looking at the camera more often than not.

At the end of the day - these are the four best picture. And hopefully I won’t have do do another one of these for a long long time.

The books are here!

The books are here! And this is what 1,000 books looks like. For some reason I decided to take a photo of the pile of books in my garage with Eva lying on top of it before moving them down to the basement and getting them ready for sale.

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These premium edition books will be available for sale before the end of the week. Hardcover landscape formatting with glossy pages. They look amazing. Retail pricing is $37.95 and they will be available at local the Saskatoon Indigo and McNally Robinson stores. I’ll also be doing sales through the University of Saskatchewan book store where $5 from the sale of each book will be donated to the University of Saskatchewan Veterinary College companion animal charitable fund.